Directed by Manami Hara and co-directed by Joseph Bass, Esra Tasali, and James Liao, the Physiology Core is centered at the University of Chicago and Northwestern University and facilitates the study of humans, model organisms, and intact tissues in diabetes and metabolism-related research. The Core provides: 1. Access to a wide array of resources, technology, equipment and services for physiological studies in humans and mice; 2. Consultation on experimental design and analysis of studies in humans, mice, and other organisms (zebrafish); and 3. training and service using microscopic imaging and image analysis for large-scale quantification of pancreatic cell types. Some of the new services in this Core now include circadian rhythms analyses, state-of-the-art metabolic caging studies, and creation of a library of digitized high resolution human pancreatic images among.
To initiate a request for service, please reach out to Core Director Dr. Hara for more information.